
Jessica Bridger’s Switzlerland-based consulting practice develops new projects, ventures and trajectories for institutional and corporate partners. She has a special focus on urbanization and innovation, driven by more than a decade of expertise and training. Her consultancy is informed by an integrated understanding of disciplines, industries and systems.

Her past projects include the creation of a new global urban design competition; leading financial technology startups in clarifying their missions, messaging and positioning; structuring and conducting research for major manufacturing and real estate development companies; and assisting the United Nations with media outreach related to the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. She has also moderated and participated in discussion panels with global leaders and thinkers.

Her depth of experience and reputation for cutting-edge research, editing and writing about topics related to urbanism, innovation and societal systems allow her to guide and advise clients on strategy, content and positioning. She uses a deeply critical and analytical approach, with an intuitive and conceptually driven baseline. Her broad international network brings outside insight to every project.

If you are interested in her assistance with any project, big or small, from the rollout of a new initiative to a technical white paper or network activation, please reach out via email.


Client and Institutional Affiliation List: 

ETH Zurich, Zurich

European Roundtable for Industry, Brussels

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge

Monocle Magazine, London

Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam

OnCities, Barcelona

Pentagram, London

Schindler Group, Switzerland

Technisches Universität Berlin, Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt, Berlin

Technisches Universität München, Institute for Advanced Studies, Munich

UN-Habitat, Nairobi

United Nations, Habitat III Secretariat, Global

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Global

Winkreative, London